Pre & Post Sugaring products

Hexagonal Restore Balm 150ml

5 000 Kr

A unique lotion that soothes the skin and creates a breathable protective film on the skin. It has unique properties due to its innovative liquid crystal emulsion with a hexagonal structure. Especially recommended at the end of sugaring procedures on small areas of the body. It can be used on the whole body and face. For best results, apply directly on Radeq Lab Sugaring Soothing Serum.

The probiotics and postbiotics contained in the lotion support the regeneration of a healthy skin microbiome. Dextrin, Aloe Vera, and oat extract are responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties. Jojoba and Avocado oil together with Hyaluronic acid moisturize and smooths the skin. Use together with SOOTHING SERUM for best results.

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2 in Stock

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Okkar þjónustur

  • Sugaring
  • Handsnyrting/Fótsnyrting
  • Hársnyrting
  • Brúnir/Augu
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