Pre & Post Sugaring products

Prebiotic Soothing Serum 200ml

5 000 Kr

A unique soothing serum recommended after sugaring. The unique combination of ingredients effectively soothes, relieves and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The Dextrin contained in the serum effectively soothes redness in just 10 minutes. Organic, fermented Purple Willow extract reduces itching and irritation. Sodium hyaluronate and Tamarind gum moisturise and smooth the skin. The serum works best together with Hexagonal Restore Balm.

*Frí heimsending!
Ef þú verslar fyrir 15.000kr. eða meira á vefsíðu þá færð þú fría heimsendingu!

4 in Stock

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Okkar þjónustur

  • Sugaring
  • Handsnyrting og Fótsnyrting
  • Hársnyrting hjá Elena
  • Brow and Lashes
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