Pre & Post Sugaring products

Prebiotic Soothing Milk 430ml

6 000 Kr

A light, fast-absorbing emulsion that gives a feeling of relief and deep skin moisturization. Ideal for completing treatments on large areas of the body such as the legs or manly back.

Post-Sugaring Skin Relief Milk, is specially crafted to provide soothing and restorative care for the skin after sugaring. Formulated with Dextrin, Aloe Vera, and Oat Extract, it swiftly alleviates discomfort and irritation.

Infused with nourishing Avocado, Jojoba oils, and vegetable-derived Squalane, it deeply hydrates, leaving the skin supple and revitalized.

Our unique formula also features Inulin, Chicory Extract, and Lactobacillus bacteria, which work together to maintain a balance

*Frí heimsending!
Ef þú verslar fyrir 15.000kr. eða meira á vefsíðu þá færð þú fría heimsendingu!

7 in Stock

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Okkar þjónustur

  • Sugaring
  • Handsnyrting/Fótsnyrting
  • Hársnyrting
  • Brúnir/Augu
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